This website remains here to honor the history made by all those who flew, organized and benefited

from the speed cross country National Air Races by U.S. Air Race, Inc from 1994 to 2007.


Founded in 1994 by the legendary race pilot, Marion P. Jayne, U. S. Air Race, Inc. was an all volunteer Texas 501(c)3 non-profit charitable enterprise that created and managed cross country flying events.

Her legacy lives on in those touched by these events.

The goals of the U.S. Air Race were: to promote the sport of General Aviation, to improve all pilot skills through competition and to provide Learn-to-Fly scholarships. The scholarships were awarded in equal numbers to women and men by drawing.

Cross Country Air Racing excites the seasoned veteran flyers, the business pilot, the recreational pilot and the new pilot. The common bonds are many and include the fabulous experience of flying across our great country, the excitement of testing personal pilot or aircraft building skills against others in working to fly the perfect cross country, the camaraderie that develops with shared flying adventures and the desire share the sport of general aviation. Our 20 Events have produced 507,607 safe race miles with 3,214 happy landings. Teams from 3 countries and 42 different states have promoted 81 different airports and with the help of 358 sponsors, 26 Learn to Fly Scholarships have been awarded.

All flying is daylight VFR governed by FARs. In PSR, Pilot Skilled Racing all aircraft are individually handicapped and the competitions are focused on pilot skills and not superior equipment. In APR - Aircraft Performance Racing*, the competitions are focused on how fast an aircraft can fly compared to those in the same category. Piston powered, normal and experimental category aircraft compete. *Events are S.A.R.L. (Sport Air Racing League) sanctioned.

Events are run over a week-long period. Three cross-country air races are typically held at locations that foster touring, special events and activities that surround the competitions. Teams are welcome to compete as racers or fly along at Cruise power settings.

Donations to the U.S. Air Race, Inc. are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and are used to foster the sport of cross country flying and provide scholarships. To make a donation, click on the Sponsors tab at the left for information on how to contribute.